This form is to register current, former, and new families to Little Waves.
Families register once and stay at that time until they request a change in time or stop their lessons. Your family is auto-enrolled every month. We will bill you on the first of the month. Occasional changes to schedules may be required when changing levels. Also, during the summer, minor changes to schedules will be made for 2 week daily classes. We require a 30 day notice to stop lessons and billing.
Monthly Fees - The cost per month is $109 a month for the first child registered in a family, $106 a month for the second child in a family, and $103 a month for any other children.
Annual Family Registration Fee - Each Family will be assessed annual fee in January of each year or the first month they start lessons. The fee is $25 for a family with one child in lessons or $35 for families with 2 or more children in lesson during the calendar year.
Please fill out the form below for the children you wish to register. We will do our best to grant your request, but cannot guarantee them. For desired times, please put as much information as possible to help with scheduling. We will not charge your card until all placements have been confirmed with you.
We have limited times in the mornings Monday through Thursday from 9:00-12:00. In the afternoons and evenings, we have times starting every 30 minutes beginning at 3:30 through 7:00 pm Monday through Thursday. However, this does NOT mean we have all offerings at all times. We have classes on Saturday from 8:30-12:00.
Registration Form
*Required Field